Sunday, October 19, 2003

Obscure Movie Review of the Day: Captain America

Not the 1970's motorcycle-riding Captain America, this one was cranked out of 21st Century Films shortly after the first Batman movie made a bazillion dollars.

Bad doesn't even begin to describe it. The movie is two-thirds over before we see the the star-spangled one display the least degree of competence, and absolutely every single plot point depends on someone being absolutely bone-headed about something.

And my having sat through it clear to the end doesn't make me much less bone-headed.

Besides the laughable boomerang shield effects, the dialogue has got to be the worst part of the movie--my favorite line, said by Cap, to himself, as he wanders through the forests of Canada: "I have no idea where I am, but home's got to be south of here."

I think everybody involved in this was just as lost.

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