Tuesday, April 20, 2004

About the Woodward Book: I read the Clinton first 100 days book, and although it didn't seem that bad, after reading George Stephanopoulos's All Too Human I discovered it had really shaken some cages in Clinton's White House. Stephanopoulos may have been thinking of Woodward when he asserted that the only real media bias he ever noticed was towards finding controversy--either showing it or trying to stir it up.

Overall, the assertion is ludicrous. His own book chronicles the kid gloves Clinton was treated with during his 60 Minutes appearance, the coaching he got from the show's staff.

But in Woodward's case, the description is apt. We're getting what may be the most accurate depiction of the pre-war White House we'll ever see, but it's filtered through Woodward's desire to make as many waves with his book as he can.

In other words, hype.

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