Friday, January 30, 2004

What's the Big (Mac) Deal?: Just in case you don't understand why people are obsessing about McDonald's, as if somehow the Fast Food giant is the worst thing in the world, and needs to be the basis of Michael Moore-esque polemic films and vilified by everybody and their puppy, just remember this:

You remember how I posted that true success comes when you find something that people enjoy, and they reward you for it, and everybody benefits?

Some people don't believe that. In fact, the believe the opposite. That the only way to really, really succeed in the world is to either:

A. Be really mean, nasty and hurtful to nice people.

B. Sell out to the people who do A.

Hence, if McDonald's is successful, someone else must be suffering in order to allow for that.

Here's my advice for all people who believe this: Stop trying to blame problems on the people who know how to overcome them. Instead, maybe look to them as examples.

Or even better, stop trying to do anything at all. If you succeed at it, you'll only bring more suffering into the world, and we wouldn't want that, would we?

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