Tuesday, March 16, 2004

Kerry's Soooooo Different: Alright, so today Rush Limbaugh (yeah, yeah, I know, but I have to credit my source) discusses this editorial which claims that Kerry's advice to Bush before the war in Iraq matched up almost exactly with everything Bush actually did.

The basis of this claim to be able to read Kerry's thoughts?

This op-ed piece Kerry wrote and published in the New York Times on September 6, 2002.

Here's the key paragraph:

For the sake of our country, the legitimacy of our cause and our ultimate success in Iraq, the administration must seek advice and approval from Congress, laying out the evidence and making the case. Then, in concert with our allies, it must seek full enforcement of the existing cease-fire agreement from the United Nations Security Council. We should at the same time offer a clear ultimatum to Iraq before the world: Accept rigorous inspections without negotiation or compromise. Some in the administration actually seem to fear that such an ultimatum might frighten Saddam Hussein into cooperating. If Saddam Hussein is unwilling to bend to the international community's already existing order, then he will have invited enforcement, even if that enforcement is mostly at the hands of the United States, a right we retain even if the Security Council fails to act. But until we have properly laid the groundwork and proved to our fellow citizens and our allies that we really have no other choice, we are not yet at the moment of unilateral decision-making in going to war against Iraq.

Emphasis added.

And then a closing comment from the Human Events op-ed:

Nor can Kerry claim he was fooled by sexed-up intelligence from the Bush administration about WMD. He is on the record talking about Iraq's WMD threat in 1998, when he said, simply, "Saddam Hussein is pursuing a program to build weapons of mass destruction." As early as 1990, he stated in the Senate that "Iraq has developed a chemical weapons capability, and is pursuing a nuclear weapons development program."

In other words, Kerry wouldn't have done a dang thing different.

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