Saturday, March 06, 2004

Not Us:I want to set the record straight, right out of the gate, that we had nothing whatsoever to do with this guy.

I mean, yeah, I'm a terrorist, and the terrorist handbook says you're supposed to take credit for everything, up to and including the phases of the moon. And the idea that we're going to force travelers to do bad things for us is one that should strike fear into the hearts of many business travelers and their families.

But the more I think about it, the less I want to be the whipping boy for every guy who wants an excuse to jet off to some city for some rendevous with some hoochie. So no, I'm not backing this guy up, and I'm not backing up anybody else who wants to use me as part of whatever story they're going to tell their wives.

But, on the other hand, I really do miss this ice cream shop. I like the raspberry cheesecake swirl.

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